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Re: Why Linux and Windows NT series are not fairly compared

__/ [ JEDIDIAH ] on Tuesday 20 June 2006 14:11 \__

> On 2006-06-18, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> __/ [ samir.ribic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ] on Sunday 18 June 2006 16:24 \__
>>> The comparision between Linux and Windows (I mean NT/2000/XP series)
>>> often rises to flame war. Linux users often point to bad and buggy
>>> Internet Explorer, and tell that it is the main reason why Windows is
>>> crap. When someone points that Konqueror and Firefox under Linux can
>>> crash very often, the counter argument is "They are not integral part
>>> of Linux, you are not forced to use them". When someone points that
>>> Linux is slower, the answer is "Do not use KDE, and Linux will be fast"
>> Firefox under Linux crashes? When? Show me. The last time I used Internet
>> Explorer was about 4 months ago and it crashed quite regularly, on SP2...
> Besides... it's not the crashes so much as it is the malware.
> I mean, who really cares if you crash while websurfing. OTOH, the
> box can become completely unusable if some sly trojan manages to sneak onto
> your system because you thought you could surf freely.

With the SessionSaver extension, even if the Web browser ever crashes, all is
restored when it is invoked again. Same window positions, same tabs (yes,
all of them) and _even_ textarea get their input restored. The same
extension enables the user to specify a collection of sessions, so for
example, I have one which is called "Research", which transforms the browser
to include all the tabs that I need with the most convenient window size and
position. Once you try it, you will not be willing to live without it.

>> [dell-deletia]
> [deletia]
> Ah yes... the whole "I can run everything but I will only choose
> to run the one true interface" little paradox.

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