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Re: [News] Puppy Linux Reviewed

__/ [ ml2mst ] on Tuesday 20 June 2006 09:35 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Treat it as what it is. A lightweight 80 MB distribution which resembles
>> Windows 2000.
>> ,----[ Overview ]
>> | ReviewLinux.Com takes the Puppy for a Walk! Puppy Linux 2.01 has
>> | been released and we thought should take a look at this very popular
>> | Linux distribution. 17 screen shots guide you through the test drive
>> | of Puppy Linux 2.01.
>> `----

Earlier this morning (but after I had posted the above) I found another
article about Puppy. It turns out that there is a new version of Puppy in
some South Eastern Asian nation (can't recall which one for sure). It seems
to be adopted by developing countries that could never afford something
other than pirated (cracked) versions of Windows. Unless of course you are a
business, which doesn't account for the majority there...



        Puppy Linux adds Opera, drops SeaMonkey

> Thank God, Roy did not give up on cola, after all the rude attacks
> against him.

No. They are wasting their time. They should face that final stage of
acceptable and come to grips with [News] (or use filters/scoring).

> I took a quick look at the article and would like to add some comment.
> I tested Puppy Linux 1.08 Mozilla Firefox and 2.0 Seamonky last week. I
> was amazed by the great hardware detection and how fast it ran on a
> Pentium 166 MMX with 64 MB RAM and a ATI Expression+ (Mach 64) GPU.

I have a machine with almost identical specifications (166 MMX, bought around
1995), but it only has 32 MB of RAM. What prevents me from using it is the
price of a brand new 2GHz+ machine with SUSE included: 127 pounds (I am
using it at the moment).

> It runs that fast because it loads fully in (a) RAM (disk) and creates a
> fie on the partition of your choice where you can save personal settings
> and additional packages.
> Of cause lacks the yummy eye candy today's Linux users are used to,
> still i consider it a pretty well distro to share with people who just
> would like to know "what on Earth that Linux "thang" is ;)
> OK, i tried a lot of Live CD's, just for fun and just because we can. It
> won't cost a penny. Just download a ISO  image, burn it on a CDRW, so in
> case you dislike it, you are able to simply erase the disk again :)
> In my opinion Puppy Linux is a absolute winner!

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