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Re: A Partitioning Live CD

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | GParted LiveCD 0.2.5-1 ( Gnome Partition Editor ) is a must have Live CD
> | for any Linux User that like to play around with their partitions. This
> | LiveCD worked flawlessly on my test machine. Please read full review!
> `----
>                 http://www.reviewlinux.com/index.php/?m=show&id=2358
> ...Could become handy when preparing a machine for Linux installation/s. This
> includes a graphical interface to partitioning. The screenshots show how
> intuitive partitioning becomes. Much like burning a CD...

GParted LiveCD looks really good. Also an interesting read is --

While my tests were relatively simple, GParted can do more. For
instance, it can copy partitions and even entire disks if you have
multiple disks on a system. I'm a bit disappointed that it doesn't
offer a way to expand a partition into any free space that occurs
before the partition, but that's fairly minor. I'd also like it if
GParted offered a way to rename partitions -- for example, if you have
sda1, sda2, and sda3 and delete sda2, I don't see any way to rename
sda3 to sda2.

Source: http://applications.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/04/25/1917228
through http://distrowatch.com/?newsid=03517#0

The above review was for version 0.2.4-2. Regardless, its a fantastic
tool that I look forward to using.

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