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Re: good job

On Sat, 17 Jun 2006 16:58:07 -0400, Black Dragon wrote:

> walt wrote:
>> On Sat, 17 Jun 2006 14:14:58 -0500, flatfish+++ wrote:
>>> You know it's bad enough that you've turned this group into what is
>>> effectively your own personal news feed 
>> I think it is a great idea.  I like Roy's news.  It is the best thing that
>> has happened to COLA.
> Meheh...
> The sock puppets have come out to play.

Like roaches!

They have to defend one of their own to the bitter end.
Especially one who has been mortally wounded!

It's too bad that this time it is a person who uses copyrighted material
on his website without licensing the material.

Again the COLA Linux community shows itself to be a community that should
be ashamed of themselves.

If I said the sky was blue and one of them said it was yellow they would
come out like roaches against me and for one of their own Linux nutsacks.

"Why do they call it a flatfish?"

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