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[News] Google's Linux Leap

Enterprise Unix Roundup: Google's Linux Leap  

,----[ Quote ]
| If desktop and enterprise Linux are to be succeed, then independent
| software vendors are going to have to get their applications ported to
| the operating  system. Google, we would argue, holds the key to this
| adoption of Linux as a development target, since its size and popularity
| lends the concept of Linux  applications a great deal of validity.
| Let's look at it from a business standpoint. We talked with Google's open 
| source guru Chris DiBona last fall. At the time, he explained Google's plan 
| to develop apps for Windows first is simply a matter of numbers. There are 
| more Windows installs, so developing for Windows first is more 
| cost-effective. We certainly will not argue with that, and clearly other 
| companies feel the same way. But although the number of Linux desktop 
| installs is lower than than Windows desktops, porting Google's applications 
| to Linux gives Linux a huge bootstrap up.
| [...]
| We may have just witnessed Google taking the first step into a whole
| new territory, one where Linux in the enterprise will be demonstrated on
| all of a company's machines.


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