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Re: [News] Foley: Without Gates, Microsoft No Longer Scares Competitors

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Will Microsoft Still Be Microsoft Without Bill Gates?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Will 'The Evil Empire' still inspire fear in the hearts of competitors
> | without its stalwart leader involved in day-to-day operations? My bet is
> | no.
> |
> | Now that Microsoft chairman Bill Gates officially has begun decoupling
> | himself from the company he founded 31 years ago, it seems like a great
> | time to ask what the Microsoft of the future ? sans BillG ? will look
> | like.
> `----
> http://www.microsoft-watch.com/article2/0,1995,1977460,00.asp?kc=MWRSS02129TX1K0000535

What will be really interesting is the change in the corporate culture
at Microsoft. Back when judge Jackson threatened to break Microsoft up,
all the analysts said that the half that didn't get Gates would likely
whither up and die. Now everyone is 'losing' him, although I think he
hasn't been more than a figurehead for some time. Bill was getting in
over his head during the DOS days, technically. Read some of the books
about him and see how much trouble people with real CS backgrounds had
trying to explain things to him without incurring his wrath. 

Although Microsoft has the opportunity of sorting out a lot of crap that
was done in the name of maintaining Bill's pet O/S, the culture over
there held him in high regard. It'll be difficult for them to clean

Paul Hovnanian     mailto:Paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Real programmers don't draw flowcharts.  Flowcharts are, after all, the
illiterate's form of documentation.  Cavemen drew flowcharts; look how
much good it did them.

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