Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Will Microsoft Still Be Microsoft Without Bill Gates?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Will 'The Evil Empire' still inspire fear in the hearts of competitors
> | without its stalwart leader involved in day-to-day operations? My bet is
> | no.
> |
> | Now that Microsoft chairman Bill Gates officially has begun decoupling
> | himself from the company he founded 31 years ago, it seems like a great
> | time to ask what the Microsoft of the future ? sans BillG ? will look
> | like.
> `----
>From the same article:
I think Microsoft is going to morph into a very different place, as
Gates begins passing the torch to his newly appointed brain trust of
Craig Mundie, Chief Research and Strategy Officer, and Ray Ozzie, Chief
Software Architect. Ozzie and Mundie, from the limited interactions
I've had with them, seem to be a lot kinder and gentler leaders than
Gates -- even the public-relations-schooled family man and
philanthropist Gates.
Having worked for Ray Ozzie for several years at Groove he *really* is
a very, very nice guy. Once of the most decent and sincere people
you're every likely to meet. He is very concerned with taking care of
his people (employees) and seems truely concerned with doing the right
A few examples:
There was a guy at Groove who unfortunately got very ill and ended up
dying. We had an "employee auction" where Ray basically sold every
laptop and computer that wasn't bolted down in order to raise money for
the guys family.
Several months after the dot-bomb collapse there was a layoff of about
40 or so people. It wasn't easy finding a job at the time so Groove
paid the insurance premiums for 3 months and gave incredible severance
packages to the people that were let go in order to help them out.
Ray had a party at his one one year and my wife noticed that one of his
dogs only had 3-legs. It turns out that his dog had cancer and they had
to do this in order to keep the dog alive. Most people would have
simply put the dog down rather than pay some riduculous amount of money
on medical expenses and make many trips to the vet. I think how
somebody treats their animals is a good reflection of the individual.
(BTW... this dog was a mutt that was adopted from the humane society.)
It will be interesting to see what Ray does at Microsoft.