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Re: [News] MSFT Alert - Jump Ship

On Thu, 15 Jun 2006 05:59:25 +0100, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> __/ [ Ignoramus7096 ] on Thursday 15 June 2006 06:07 \__
>> On Thu, 15 Jun 2006 03:57:43 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
>> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> No, but I post a lot to "that other group", which is why every once in a
>>> while, the messages might land at the wrong place. MSFT down over 20$
>>> recently, primarily due to Google and GNU/Linux/OSS... *glee*
> Corrigenda: Should be 20% (a /crucial/ typo of adjacent keystrokes).

It is down by about as much in the last several years, if I recall

>> My feelings exactly.
>> This "software giant" is unable to release another release of its OS
>> for five years. ROTFLMAO. With thousands of well paid "professionals"
>> on its payroll. Contrast this to Linux, where new "releases" are
>> released either continuously, or every half a year or so, depending on
>> how you count, all mostly by part time volunteers.
> I am glad to find consent. I could elaborate on the causes of this demise,
> but the newsgroup does not encourage this off-topic discussion. It'll be
> interesting to see if Google takes the 'OSS torch', as opposed to Canonical,
> Red Hat, Novell, Oracle, or others.

Yes, that is an interesting topic to ponder indeed. I have nothing
against discussing it here, in an appropriate manner. 


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