On Wed, 14 Jun 2006 16:47:50 -0500, flatfish+++ wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Jun 2006 20:42:06 +0000, Paul Cooke wrote:
>> Filters my dear Dom... filters... set up a filter on the string [News] and
>> you won't see any of his [News] posts or the replies to them... then you'll
>> find things far quieter in here...
>> You're using ThunderBird so it shouldn't be too difficult...
> Actually you will still see some posts because he is forever *finger
> checking* with[{ and mn [News] {Mews] etc.
> I think he is doing it on purpose.
Yeah, like he's *really* going to do that just so's you'll see them. Grow
up, flatty.