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Re: People Advised to Avoid 64-bit Version of Vista, Regardless of CPU


On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 17:28:51 -0700, Larry Qualig wrote:

> July 1993 - Thirteen years ago.
> Windows NT 3.51 shipped on the Dec Alpha and MIPS R4000 processors.
> Both were 64-bit.

Perfect!  So Windows works on 64-bit processors, and has had *thirteen
years* to develop that.

Therefore, they should be at least as far advanced as Linux is.  So when I
go to buy my 64 bit OS, I can be quite sure the drivers for my hardware
will be there, and the apps will have been ported to 64 bits - just like
in Linux, right?

Hmm... don't recall having seen Corel Draw/64 yet.  Or Simply/64.  Or,
well, much of anything in 64-bit apps.  And last I heard, the 64-bit
driver situation was a bit of a nightmare.

How is it that MS has been working in 64-bit-land for thirteen years, yet
still can't deliver a 64-bit solution worth having?

Pretty sad.

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