¤ Times are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +0:00
¤ Statistics span a period of approximately 7 days
and are automatically generated every Tuesday
¤ Subject line formatted consistently "AISE Stats: <DATES>"
¤ Killfile <subject contains "AISE Stats: "> if uninterested
Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics
(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson
This report covers 677 messages written between 2006-06-06 00:11:44 and
2006-06-13 22:47:12
Quoters (includes people who have written at least three messages)
Place Name Msgs Ratio
1. JDL <whatchoogot@xxxxxxxxxxx> 6 82.39%
2. FelixDEhuiskater <pascal.beyens@xxxxxxxxx> 6 82.22%
3. Jez <j.ez@xxxxxxxxxx> 3 68.52%
4. Harlan Messinger <hmessinger.removethis@xxxxxxxxxxx> 8 66.58%
5. Ignoramus24559 <ignoramus24559@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 5 66.18%
6. The Cunning Linguist :Þ- Cmdr. Usenet OperAtions <the_witc 5 64.85%
7. admin@xxxxxxxxxxx 4 64.68%
8. Ignoramus17503 <ignoramus17503@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 10 63.95%
9. Jo <jo@xxxxxxx> 7 62.44%
10. Big Bill <kruse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 80 60.45%
11. smart <smart_outsourcing@xxxxxxxxx> 6 60.43%
12. Per-Erik Skramstad <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 3 57.77%
13. tonnie <t.prasinge@xxxxxxxxx> 8 57.41%
14. pecan <pecan.nospam@xxxxxxxxxxx> 3 54.00%
15. T.J. <no1@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 12 53.32%
A total of 648590 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 303899,
or 46.86%, were quotes.
Toplist of writers
Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
1. Paul <lamewolf2004[REMOVE]@yahoo.com> 88 95894 43.1%
2. Big Bill <kruse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 80 77949 60.4%
3. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 79 114226 46.3%
4. canadafred <canadian_web@xxxxxxxxxxx> 60 52853 46.4%
5. Stacey <Remove-the-Y-stacey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 39 39709 47.4%
6. Borek <m.borkowski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 36 23000 37.9%
7. John Bokma <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 29 23531 45.5%
8. webseoguy <webseoguy@xxxxxxxxx> 20 13792 39.4%
9. T.J. <no1@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 12 13455 53.3%
10. Darren Tipton <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 11 14083 21.0%
www.1-script.com <info_at_1-script_dot_com@xxxxxxx 11 11384 33.2%
12. Ignoramus17503 <ignoramus17503@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10 9390 64.0%
13. tonnie <t.prasinge@xxxxxxxxx> 8 7601 57.4%
Harlan Messinger <hmessinger.removethis@xxxxxxxxxx 8 4877 66.6%
15. Jo <jo@xxxxxxx> 7 7221 62.4%
A total of 111 people were identified.
Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least
three messages)
Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
1. David <seodave@search-engine-optimization-s 3204 / 3 = 1068 29.5%
2. Darren Tipton <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 11132 / 11 = 1012 21.0%
3. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 61313 / 79 = 776 46.3%
4. www.1-script.com <info_at_1-script_dot_com@ 7600 / 11 = 690 33.2%
5. Paul <lamewolf2004[REMOVE]@yahoo.com> 54530 / 88 = 619 43.1%
6. The Cunning Linguist :Þ- Cmdr. Usenet OperA 2939 / 5 = 587 64.8%
7. Rik <rik@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 3352 / 6 = 558 51.9%
8. Sholom <sdeen@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 1650 / 3 = 550
9. Stacey <Remove-the-Y-stacey@staceyssimplest 20895 / 39 = 535 47.4%
10. T.J. <no1@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 6281 / 12 = 523 53.3%
11. admin@xxxxxxxxxxx 2000 / 4 = 500 64.7%
12. SEO ZOMBIE <vuirreew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1896 / 4 = 474 25.5%
13. canadafred <canadian_web@xxxxxxxxxxx> 28335 / 60 = 472 46.4%
14. John Bokma <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 12830 / 29 = 442 45.5%
Barnabas Collins <BarnabasCollinsonSF@gmail 1769 / 4 = 442 38.2%
Toplist of subjects
Place Subject Msgs Bytes
1. Moved content to other pages straight in top 10 73 75147
2. Search Engine Optimization Contest 34 37164
3. Create 100's of blogs instantly! 23 18152
4. Maybe BigDaddy is Here to Stay... 19 22888
5. Allow robot access to protected content 18 15451
Keyword Difficulty 18 15370
7. Google ignoring noindex META Tag 17 21821
8. Is Google bad for pagan websites? 16 22752
9. icon in Firefox 15 7995
10. A confused noob with some questions. 14 19144
Where should I be submitting? 14 14136
12. Site Doing Good. Why??? 13 11204
13. Google keywords and 301 redirects 12 12526
14. [article] EBay to launch keyword ad system 11 10048
15. relation between indexing and ranking 10 9496
A total of 113 subjects were identified.
Toplist of programs
Place Program Msgs
1. Forte Agent 191
1.7/32.534:80 1.8/32.553:1 1.91/32.564:88 2.0/32.652:5 3.3/32.846:17
2. G2 167
3. Microsoft Outlook Express 86
6.00.2800.1106:3 6.00.2800.1409:1 6.00.2800.1506:1 6.00.2800.1807:2
6.00.2900.2180:8 6.00.2900.2869:71
4. KNode 81
0.10.2:1 0.7.2:79 0.8.2:1
5. Opera M2/8.50 36
6. Xnews 29
7. Thunderbird 24
8. slrn 18
9. http: 11
10. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 4
Mozilla 4
12. Thunderbird 3
13. 40tude_Dialog 2
Forte Free Agent 2
1.11/32.235:1 2.0/32.640:1
15. Halime 1
A total of 22 different programs (not counting different versions) were
Postings per weekday
Day Msgs
Monday 136 **********************************************
Tuesday 177 ************************************************************
Wednesday 133 *********************************************
Thursday 73 ************************
Friday 41 *************
Saturday 73 ************************
Sunday 44 **************
Postings per hour
Hour Msgs
0000-0059 10 *************
0100-0159 11 **************
0200-0259 9 ***********
0300-0359 28 ************************************
0400-0459 41 *****************************************************
0500-0559 24 *******************************
0600-0659 29 *************************************
0700-0759 22 ****************************
0800-0859 27 ***********************************
0900-0959 37 ************************************************
1000-1059 21 ***************************
1100-1159 46 ************************************************************
1200-1259 31 ****************************************
1300-1359 29 *************************************
1400-1459 41 *****************************************************
1500-1559 43 ********************************************************
1600-1659 32 *****************************************
1700-1759 43 ********************************************************
1800-1859 34 ********************************************
1900-1959 29 *************************************
2000-2059 28 ************************************
2100-2159 22 ****************************
2200-2259 20 **************************
2300-2359 20 **************************