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Re: POVRay

On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 16:16:02 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> __/ [ Roy Culley ] on Sunday 11 June 2006 13:38 \__
>> begin  risky.vbs
>> <gBTig.23909$%m5.7302@trnddc04>,
>> "Mathew P." <Mathew@xxxxxxxx> writes:
>>> I was just wondering, and I may be overlooking something obvious,
>>> but could someone tell me if POV Ray is a free (non demo)
>>> application? I couldn't tell by scouring thier website. Has anyone
>>> used it? I assume a Linux version is available, but I could be
>>> mistaken.
>> http://www.povray.org/search/
>> and search for license.
> It's free and very lenient.
> It wasn't long ago that I 'caught' a Microsoft employee searching for
> information on POVRay and ending up in my Web site. I love POVRay, but if I
> had the chance to (re-)pick a renderer all over again, I'd go for Blender
> 3D, which uses some GIMP code.
> For what it's worth, I am using many of the following POVRay outputs as
> wallpapers:
>         http://www.povray.org/community/hof/
> I have been a fan of Oyonale's work, which is what got me started:
>         http://www.oyonale.com/
 Cool stuff.

I've never been able to get to grips yet with POVRay, but I've played
around with Blender, Wings3D and RealSoft3D. I really need to spend some
time learning these kinds of apps. Maybe this week, while I'm on holiday,
I'll try to get the basics under my belt. 

So many apps to play with, so little time.... 


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