Kier wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 07:14:50 -0700, Larry Qualig wrote:
> >
> > Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> >> Opinion: Who wouldn't trust a company that hid built-in spyware on every
> >> Windows-based PC in the land?
> >>
> >> ,----[ Quote ]
> >> | Oh wait, come to think of it, didn't Microsoft once cause Windows to
> >> | produce fake error messages if a user was running DR-DOS instead of
> >> | MS-DOS?
> >> |
> >> | While they never admitted to it, they did finally end up paying Caldera
> >> | Systems, one of the ancestors of today's SCO, approximately $60 million
> >> | to make the resulting lawsuit go away.
> >> |
> >> | [...]
> >> |
> >> | Here's the point. For over a year, Microsoft has planted a program on
> >> | every modern Windows-powered PC that reported home every day. They don't
> >> | have an intelligent reason, never mind a good one, for this move. And,
> >> | they never told anyone that they were doing this.
> >> |
> >> | [...]
> >> |
> >> | I've been using Linux for my main desktop for years, and it's
> >> | revelations like this one that makes me damn glad that I do.
> >> `----
> >>
> >>,1895,1974911,00.asp
> >
> >
> > One word - Incredible.
> >
> > Not the article. But that someone would actually be posting this at
> > "Sun, 11 Jun 2006 04:08:53 AM" in the morning.
> Not really. Last night I went to a friend's leaving do, and when I got
> home I went for a walk (which I tend to do when I'm pissed), not returning
> to home until well past dawn. I didn't got to bed at all till nearly six
> in the morning.
> Not ecveryopne keeps the same hours as you do.
I don't expect everyone to keep the same hours as anyone else. There
are certainly exceptions as you noted in your case.
> Honestly, Larry, aren't you scraping the bottom of the barrel here? What
> the fuck does it matter when he posts? Or are you just out to score
> points in some silly 'contest'?
It does matter in the sense that this appears to have transgressed from
casual posting to an unhealthy obsession. Roy is certainly free to post
whenever he wants but the rest of us are also free to observe and
notice that the pattern has become more than a bit unusual.
Posting late/early is one thing. But when day after day, week after
week you see someone posting "around the clock" (and I mean this
literally) something isn't right.
Looking at the times when these posts are *regularly* made it seems
that Roy doesn't sleep, attend class or do anything other than post to
COLA. When someone posts non-stop around the clock every day of the
week I'd say that something isn't right.
Content aside, do you think this is "normal" behavior or perhaps just a
bit unusual? Or to put it differently... if you had a son or daughter
that was exhibiting similar behavior would you have *any* concerns?
Posting late/early is one thing. But when someone consistently posts
throughout the entire night till dawn and then throughout the entire
day you have to wonder what the deal is.
> --
> Kier