__/ [ canadafred ] on Monday 20 March 2006 21:44 \__
> "bendahara danial" <bendahara06@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:1142889537.408729.113180@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Hey Bend Denial, how ya' been man? Haven't seen any spam from you in, oh,
> been what, two weeks now. Glad to know your still automating your crap all
> over the place. Got to give you credit Bend, you sure are a resilient
> sonavagun'.
If you feed him, (s)he'll never leave. *smile*
> Oh ya' and a "jangan putus asa........ teruskan usaha" <snip />
Bless you.
Roy S. Schestowitz | Windows O/S: who ownZ you tod4y?
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