__/ [ canadafred ] on Tuesday 21 March 2006 18:29 \__
> "John Bokma" <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:Xns978D7884B600Dcastleamber@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Reported to 10+ abuse addresses. If that doesn't do the trick, I will
>> think up a better one.
> Thanks John, I too hope it helps. I was hoping that Bend Denial would go
> away, but they obviously have an agenda that they are determined to
> fulfill.
>> In case you want to look-up abuse addresses yourself, check out:
>> http://johnbokma.com/mexit/2006/01/23/
Last time I filed a report (~4 days ago) against one of the biggest UseNet
wackos (prolific, bad-mounted crossposter), the report somehow propagated to
him and he publically declared me a netkkkop (see my name in Google Groups
if interested). I am no longer sure I can trust the ISP's and abuse teams...
Best wishes,
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