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Re: Dell's courier?

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
__/ [ Kris ] on Tuesday 21 March 2006 19:47 \__

Walker writes:
Which courier does Dell use?  An Irish personage rang to arrange
delivery of a monitor between 5pm and 9pm.  Odd timeframe.
They use UPS for smallish orders, and for things like PCs - I'm not sure
about just a monitor - are via Walsh Western. Last time I used Dell they
delivered via BusinessPost (also a Fedex brand?).

Timeframe should probably be convenient for those who work 9 to 5...

Convenience from a courier? What is the world coming to? City Link will be delivering parcels next, instead of sprinting to my door, pushing a card through the letter box and running back to the van, without even ringing the bell. ;)


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