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Re: Vista to be Released January 2007 (At the Earliest)

__/ [ Bruce Scott TOK ] on Wednesday 22 March 2006 18:31 \__

> Roy S wrote:
>>   [1] More time earned to move people to Linux
>>   [2] Compelling implication that Windows Vista is disastrous at its core
>>   [3] Disappointment of the market, which relied on an 'upgrade'
>>       later this year (hardware-, software-wise)
>>   [4] ...
> The top item on the business/financial news this morning was that the
> DAX (German stock index) was significantly down on this news from the
> Vole...

MSFT was down 3% if I recall correctly. Shouldn't the German stock index go
_up_? They are actually fine supporters of Open Source. I guess there's not
much money to be gained from Open Source after all (neither it is the case
with software where  the executives hog billions and offshore jobs for
better margins).

> So are they going to toss so many more features out that it's SP2a
> instead of SP3?

No, they are not /that/ stupid. Not only did they depart from the SP2
milstone, but they also gave SP2a an entirely new name and changed the
colours of the UI to include darker shades.


Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    United States: #1 in spam export
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