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Re: Windows Late, Linux "Right on Trucking"

__/ [ Linønut ] on Thursday 23 March 2006 16:16 \__

> After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out this bit o'
> wisdom:
>> Late Vista, Timely Linux
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Opinion: Why does Microsoft keep falling on its face when it comes
>> | to deadlines, while Linux and other open-source projects keep right
>> | on trucking?
>> `----
>    Jim Allchin, co-president of Microsoft's Platforms & Services
>    Division and head Vista honcho, said Vista's quality problems are in
>    performance, drivers, testing and security.
>    That's damning. These are the fundamentals for any operating system,
>    used at home or at work.
> Incredible.

I didn't even notice that one! I posted before I had read it in depth.

Speak to some of the Windows advocates who lurk around this group. Only today
they claimed that drivers support has been substantially improved, that
security is no longer a peril (said with great hesitance and reluctance) and
that performance is an unimportant factor. Have you seen these gauges in
Vista that "rate your computer" yet? They can be quite tough to beat. They
are an utter insult to their prospective user.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Ballmer O/S - so furious it may crash
http://Schestowitz.com  |    SuSE Linux     ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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