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Re: index part of page

__/ [ Familie Aikens ] on Friday 24 March 2006 08:47 \__

> Dear people,
> Having built a php page, I would like to exclude ads from being indexed.
> They belong on the page, but they shouldn't be a search argument.
> Could someone please tell me how to exclude snippets of a page from
> being indexed?
> I know about a rel='nofollow'
> is there also something like rel='noindex'?

Not for particular subsets of your pages. It this was allowed, it would have
been misused. The most you can do is indicate that a link should not receive
any merit. You could, however, mask parts of your page using JavaScript, but
frankly, it is terrible from a Web standards point-of-view and search
engines might not like it either.

In body:

document.write("\"I only know that I know nothing.\" (Socrates)");
document.write("Google are evil");

> thanks a lot,
> Jan-Willem

Hope it helps,


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