__/ [ Enrico Gregorio ] on Friday 24 March 2006 13:28 \__
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Greetings, group. A confernece has provided everyone with a template that
>> does not seem to work with my LaTeX installation, not even the example TeX
>> file. When running pdflatex, I get the following for each occurence of
>> citation in the text:
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | ! You can't use `\spacefactor' in vertical mode.
>> | \@cite ...r \ifx \@tempa \@zero@skip \spacefactor
>> | 1001 \fi \par \ifnum
>> | \spac...
>> | l.124 ...ist of references: Journal~\cite{bulpitt}
>> `----
>> The corresponding file called cite.sty contains:
>> ,----[ ]
>> | \def\@cite#1#2{\leavevmode
>> |
>> | \@tempskipa\lastskip \edef\@tempa{\the\@tempskipa}\unskip
>> |
>> | \ifnum\lastpenalty=\z@ \penalty\@highpenalty \fi
>> |
>> | \ifx\@tempa\@zero@skip \spacefactor1001 \fi % if no space before, set
>> | flag
>> |
>> | \ifnum\spacefactor>\@m \ \else \hskip\@tempskipa \fi
>> |
>> | \citeleft{#1\if@tempswa \citemid #2\fi
>> |
>> | \spacefactor\@m % punctuation in note doesn't affect outside
>> |
>> | }\citeright}
>> |
>> | \edef\@zero@skip{\the\z@skip}
>> `----
>> I am not too good with raw LaTeX, so could somebody please assist? I have
>> tried many things already, all in vain.
> Maybe the problem is just in the style file line endings.
> Try to remove all occurrences of <return><return>; sometimes this
> happens when transferring files from MS-DOS systems.
> Ciao
> Enrico
Hi Enrico,
Please see my follow-up to Robin. In the year 2006, we apparently still
suffer from people's unawareness of inter-operability. *sigh*
Many, many thanks,