__/ [ Ignoramus4723 ] on Friday 24 March 2006 20:42 \__
> On Fri, 24 Mar 2006 20:25:23 +0000, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> __/ [ Ignoramus4723 ] on Friday 24 March 2006 20:22 \__
>>> On Fri, 24 Mar 2006 21:15:12 +0100, Borek
>>> <m.borkowski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 24 Mar 2006 21:07:13 +0100, Ignoramus4723
>>>><ignoramus4723@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> I noticedthat a large percentage of my visitors to my home page come
>>>>> to it, and leave. I would like to know why. Are there any tools and
>>>>> tricks to find that out? thanks
>>>> That's nothing unusual. Check in logs where do they come from mostly,
>>>> that may be a hint.
>>> Most come from noplace, I have a domain name that is a single word
>>> (algebra.com). They simply type it in their browser address window. So
>>> I do not know what they have in mind.
>>> i
>> Spice up your front page, visually. I strongly recommend you do so, but
>> keep graphics low in terms of size. Your front page has not evolved to
>> take account of all the available technologies, which are already
>> supported by Web browsers. Even if your front page is nurtured in
>> isolation, that will give a positive first impression and appeal to the
>> visitor who will explore further.
> Roy, I am quite open minded. I did reorganize my FP very recently
> (yesterday), so that it offers more stuff.
> So... What do you mean by spicing up a page? Choosing different fonts
> and colors? Moving stuff around? Different organization? Adding
> images? etc
> i
There are pages that naturally appeal to one's eye. See, for example, the
different styles at:
Browser the designs.
Best wishes,
Roy S. Schestowitz | Community is code, code is community
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