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Re: (News) AltaVista Pioneer Dies at 42

"Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 

> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Flaherty came up with the idea of indexing Web pages that made the
> | AltaVista search engine one of the most popular Internet search
> | tools in the mid-1990s.
> `----
> Full story: http://wcco.com/local/local_story_084120251.html

Thanks Roy for the article. I heard about his passing last week but failed 
to realize what a man of substance he truly was and what a great loss this 
must be to his family.

A prayer, a tip of my hat and a moment's reflection to Paul A. Flaherty; 
another Stanford alumni who had an idea and revolutionized the world.

In best regards, Fred

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