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Re: (OT) AdSense Top Keywords for Worth

  • Subject: Re: (OT) AdSense Top Keywords for Worth
  • From: sir robert blake <4444D@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 22:14:58 GMT
  • Newsgroups: alt.www.webmaster
  • Organization: EasyNews, UseNet made Easy!
  • References: <e046bi$25de$2@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk>
  • User-agent: Xnews/2006.03.07
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk alt.www.webmaster:324235
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in

> $54.33 mesothelioma lawyers
> $47.79 what is mesothelioma
> $47.72 peritoneal mesothelioma
> $47.25 consolidate loans
> $47.16 refinancing mortgage
> $45.55 tax attorney
> $41.22 mesothelioma
> $38.86 car accident lawyer
> $38.68 ameriquest mortgage
> $38.03 mortgage refinance
> $37.55 refinancing
> ...
> Full list here:
> http://www.cwire.org/2006/03/23/updated-highest-paying-adsense-keywords
> / 

i am so peeved tonight

i had done a fair bit of research on a good domain name for a site that
i am hoping to start work on in the next few months 

i had spent ages and found about 50 possible domain names that were
available.....and then whittled it down to 3.then picked my fave.  It
was a double-barrelled name  ie one word, followed by a second word dot

It was pretty unique and rare. 

Anyways, i kept checking it's availability in godaddy over these past 3
weeks.  And today, whgen i had my credit card in front of me, i went ion
to buy it.  

Bugger it, if it was not registered by someone yesterday.  

I went to the domain name, and some fukker has parked it and has a load
of ads on it, and it is for sale. - ie 'send me an offer' type of text
at the top. 

What prick of a twat would do such a bastardedly thing

How would anyone have found the domain name - is my isp, email, searches
in goddaddy safe from prying eyes?  It is a very rare double barreled

I wouldn't mind, if i could buy it for 100 dollars or less...but i won't
be held to ransom. 

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