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Re: Hints That Microsoft May Use IP Against Linux

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> http://www.no-lobbyists-as-such.com/florian-mueller-blog/ballmer-linux/
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | "In an interview with Forbes, Microsoft?s CEO Steve Ballmer stops short
> | of announcing patent litigation against Linux"
> `----

By bringing up the subject of 'shareholder value', micoshaft
have stopped just short of declaring all out patent war on Linux.

Interesting times ahead me thinks.

Now that the saber has been rattled, there can be no choices left
for any company doing business with micoshaft or that is using
software which may have submarine patents planted on it by micoshaft.
Micoshaft is taking the litigation route to failure in order
to 'maximise' its shareholder value, and you may
as well get in there first with some nasty 'submarine' patents of
your own to fsck up micoshaft first / in defence of commies in micoshaft
central command trying to fsck up your own businesses.

Thats capitalism at work boy! And Don't argue back!

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