__/ [ Roy Schestowitz ] on Monday 27 March 2006 09:21 \__
> __/ [ shrini ] on Monday 27 March 2006 08:58 \__
>> Yes. We, Chennai Linux User Group. ILUGC, and the ARUNAI Engg. College,
>> Thiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu jointly did this expo.
> Excellent initiative!
>> Here is the details.
>> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.org.user-groups.linux.ilugc/28762
>> And Photos are at
>> http://www.shakthimaan.com/Mambo/gallery/album26
>> It is really a great success. Many college students are interested in
>> FOSS.
>> students were thinking linix as a pure console. While they saw the GUI,
>> they got happy.
> I see *exactly* the same problem. People believe Linux=command line. Others
> think Linux=emacs; even in Britain, believe it or not. *EVEN* among IT
> professionals who have experience and are sometimes seniors or veterans.
> The stereotypes *must* be broken. They travel from mouth to ear otherwise.
> When Linux penetrates more high-street stores and gets put on display
> (despite the strong resistance from Microsoft stocks suppliers [1]), such
> stereotypes will be broken immediately.
>> Students put various stalls on various topics,as squid, firewall, web
>> design, clustering, High availablility, LIRC, tamil computing, shell
>> scripting, web scripting, networking etc.
>> The wonder is, the students know linux for last one week only. within
>> days, they learned to install, configure, prepare some topic and made a
>> stall on that.
>> they explained to lot of other college, other dept students.
>> They realised the freedom they have now on their computers.
>> Now, it is our part to continusly guide them on FOSS. We have to give
>> them proper support on their admin, netrworkin and development
>> processes.
>> We hope we can do.
>> Thanks to college and students.
>> T.Shrinivasan.
>> Indian Linux User Group, Chennai (ILUGC)
> [1]
Addendum: from the gallery you posted here...
What the heck is Tux doing?