__/ [ Jannie B ] on Monday 27 March 2006 12:49 \__
> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:e08cgj$316m$3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> __/ [ Jannie B ] on Monday 27 March 2006 10:36 \__
>>> I have done a web site for a client who has clients worldwide, but
>>> apparently his colleagues in China are unable to look at the site because
>>> it has been barred.
>>> I don't know if is barred as part of a general policy of some sort, or
>>> whether there is something about the site which is causing it to be
>>> barred.
>>> Anyone else know anything about this?
>>> Site url is www.xenexassociates.com
>>> Thanks
>>> Jan
>> I can't see anything wrong with the (content of the) site. The only fishy
>> part is:
>> <meta name="keywords" content="Pest, pest control, Xenex, Rob Fryatt,
>> Xenex
>> Associates, BPCA, pest management, control de plagas, rodent control, bird
>> control, insect control, termite control. CEPA, rats, mice, ants,
>> cockroaches, pidgeons " />
>> I can provide a password-protected proxy if you like. You can give the
>> people
>> who are blocked a password and they will be able to visit the site via the
>> proxy.
>> Best wishes,
>> Roy
> Why do you think the keywords are fishy?
> Thanks for the offer of a I don't understand how a password-protected
> proxy,
> but I don't understand how this would help? Sorry to be so dim.
> Jan
Frankly, I have grown tired of unjustifiable censorship, which even affects
our WordPress Codex. Apparently, the Chinese government does not want its
people to contribute to software (in this case, blogging software).
The proxy involves allowing the visitor to surf the net via a 'middleman'
server, which removes the effect of the block. However, it would only help
on a temporary, short-term basis. If I leave it open for long enough, people
can use my server to browse 'bad neighbourhoods' and lead me to trouble.
That's why I tend the change the password every now and then.
The other possibility is of course the creation of a mirraor on a domain that
has not yet been banned in China.