__/ [ Guy Bannis ] on Monday 27 March 2006 20:03 \__
> In article <e0946b$g35$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, ajeans@xxxxxxxxxx ()
> wrote:
>> Are there any know issues with using HotSync to synchronize two Palm
>> IIIxe's with the Desktop? I just got a second Palm, and the first time I
>> HotSync'ed it, the software correctly made it a clone of my first Palm.
>> However, the second time I tried to HotSync both of them, it removed most
>> of the added applications on one of the Palms and failed to complete a
>> HotSync with the other (exceeded maximum record count or some such error).
>> Is HotSync's general approach to keep the most recent superset of all
>> records on the Desktop and Palm?
>> Albert
> Devices should HotSync to their own, separate user databases.
> You can't normally HotSync two devices to the same user databases.
I was going to suggest the same when I first read this message, but
sometimes, someone's spouse or secretary might want to keep the schedule 'in
sync', i.e. on two PDA's. Sometimes, people want a secondary PDA as a backup
plan. This proves difficult owing to conflicts and record counts that are
inconsistent. For most scenarios, separate user accounts (profiles) should
be standard.
Best wishes,
Roy S. Schestowitz
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