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Re: do you recommend Yahoo hosting?

__/ [ GreyWyvern ] on Tuesday 28 March 2006 17:00 \__

> And lo, Roy Schestowitz didst speak in alt.www.webmaster:
>> I also see that others concur with me on the issue of [Yahoo!Geocities]
>> being too
>> restrictive.
> Yahoo!Geocities deleted my site without warning because I uploaded some
> mp3's of *my own compositions* but did not link to them.  They called this
> "Remote File Storage".
> In the end, more good came of it than bad, as it led me to buying my own
> domain name and web space from a different company.  I can store my mp3's
> there just fine :)
> Grey

I know *exactly* what you mean. As I built this site when I was 15, I took
the initiative to host and link to some WareZ (shareware I think). These
were remove without discrimination at some stage (the takeover, I suspect);
they were not purged by myself.

I have some compositions of mine (and my friend) on my new domain. I often
fear that the MP3 format waves a red flag (no, not China censorship which
yesterday I came to realise has got some UK domains barred).

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    GPL'd 3-D Reversi: http://othellomaster.com
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