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Re: Denmark joins France in Apple/DRM-Bashing

On 2006-03-28, Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ Rick ] on Tuesday 28 March 2006 12:15 \__
>>>On Tue, 28 Mar 2006 07:01:21 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>__/ [ Tim Smith ] on Tuesday 28 March 2006 05:40 \__
>>>>>In article <e093im$5r2$2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>>>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>The controversy in France is partly over the fact that music gets
>>>>>>locked without the customer's awareness (DRM). Try to move your music
>>>>>>from an iPod to another vendor...
>>>>>(1) Put the music you want to move into a playlist.
>>>>Which playlist?
>>>Whichever playlist you want.
>> My point was that it would remain an application-specific playlist.
> I didn't realize you could use the same playlist in different 
> apps. Is an Amarok playlist playable in XMMS?

	There's really no good reason it can't be.

	It's not a complex data structure we're talking about here.

>>>>[rhetorical] What if I run Linux?
>>><sarcasm> Get the Linux version </sarcasm>
>>>I wonder if you can burn from iTunes under VMware...
>> These things are far from trivial, especially for regular home users, whom

	Yup. I know engineers that haven't been able to get their 
itunes songs unencumbered. If people like that are going to have 
problems, the vast majority of consumers have no hope.

>> the article alludes to. Some of them might be using one of the
>> simplest-to-use operating systems: Ubuntu. I say this with full faith.
> Ok.. I wonder if you can burn CDs from iTunes under Crossover.

	Can do it just fine. Don't want to though. There's really 
no point when something like Amarok is available.


	Sure, I could use iTunes even under Linux. However, I have       |||
better things to do with my time than deal with how iTunes doesn't      / | \
want to play nicely with everyone else's data (namely mine). I'd 
rather create a DVD using those Linux apps we're told don't exist.

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