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AISE Stats: 21/03/2006-28/03/2006

  ¤  Times are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +0:00

  ¤  Statistics span a period of approximately 7 days
     and are automatically generated every Tuesday

  ¤  Subject line formatted consistently "AISE Stats: <DATES>"

  ¤  Killfile <subject contains "AISE Stats: "> if uninterested
Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 740 messages written between 2006-03-21 00:02:31 and
2006-03-28 21:27:02

Quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                                       Msgs   Ratio
   1. Eric Johnston <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        4  80.13%
   2. Ignoramus4723 <ignoramus4723@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            10  69.41%
   3. wd <n23@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                       4  67.18%
   4. Guy Macon <"http://www.guymacon.com/";>                        3  64.51%
   5. Dan V. <d@xxxxx>                                              3  63.72%
   6. Big Bill <kruse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                             94  63.28%
   7. Barbara de Zoete <trashbin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                   5  62.88%
   8. Harlan Messinger <hmessinger.removethis@xxxxxxxxxxx>          8  57.44%
   9. Brian Huether <bhuetherNO@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    4  56.64%
  10. Jez <j.ez@xxxxxxxxxx>                                         4  56.46%
  11. Paul B <lamewolf2004@xxxxxxxxx>                              31  54.57%
  12. Catherine Milton <pecan.nospam@xxxxxxxxxxx>                  10  53.74%
  13. Luigi Donatello Asero <jaggillarfotboll@xxxxxxxxx>            4  52.46%
  14. Fernando Rodríguez <frr@xxxxxxxxxxx>                          4  50.31%
  15. Who Turned Off The Lights? <Lights@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>      21  48.85%

A total of 757387 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 328219,
or 43.34%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name                                               Msgs    Bytes Quoted
   1. Big Bill <kruse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                     94   107752  63.3%
   2. canadafred <admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>    77    82001  22.5%
   3. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         75   109542  48.1%
   4. Borek <m.borkowski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   69    55108  47.4%
   5. Stacey <Remove-the-Y-stacey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   36    40511  46.4%
   6. Paul B <lamewolf2004@xxxxxxxxx>                      31    39980  54.6%
   7. Mr. Polzek <paul69uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>               26    23253  34.8%
      tonnie <t.prasing@xxxxxxxxx>                         26    21687  47.0%
   9. John Bokma <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    23    18712  46.6%
  10. Who Turned Off The Lights? <Lights@light0987654321   21    20608  48.8%
  11. David <seodave@search-engine-optimization-services   16    28832  37.5%
  12. Carol W <from_you@xxxxxxxxxx>                        11    28633  23.1%
  13. Catherine Milton <pecan.nospam@xxxxxxxxxxx>          10     9988  53.7%
      Ignoramus4723 <ignoramus4723@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>    10     7668  69.4%
      Badass Scotsman <badass@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            10     4586  27.3%

A total of 119 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least
three messages)

Place Name                                        Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
   1. Carol W <from_you@xxxxxxxxxx>               22030 /   11 =  2002  23.1%
   2. catherine yronwode <cat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>       5545 /    4 =  1386  28.1%
   3. David <seodave@search-engine-optimization-s 18020 /   16 =  1126  37.5%
   4. Karl Groves <karl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        2907 /    3 =   969  25.0%
   5. Dan V. <d@xxxxx>                             2816 /    3 =   938  63.7%
   6. Windsun <wind-sun@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>             2689 /    3 =   896  29.3%
   7. Sam <sam@xxxxxxxx>                           3571 /    4 =   892  20.9%
   8. www.1-script.com <info_at_1-script_dot_com@  4391 /    5 =   878  26.5%
   9. canadafred <admin@rezultz-web-site-promotio 63571 /   77 =   825  22.5%
  10. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 56869 /   75 =   758  48.1%
  11. Stacey <Remove-the-Y-stacey@staceyssimplest 21734 /   36 =   603  46.4%
  12. hug <contact_info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          2973 /    5 =   594  41.7%
  13. Paul B <lamewolf2004@xxxxxxxxx>             18162 /   31 =   585  54.6%
  14. Mr. Polzek <paul69uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>      15160 /   26 =   583  34.8%
  15. Andrew Heenan <andrew4@xxxxxxxxxx>           2744 /    5 =   548  23.8%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject                                                    Msgs   Bytes
   1. Dear barbara                                                 69   61802
   2. Templated Page                                               54   59927
   3. Links and PR                                                 38   50549
   4. Why do my visitors leave?                                    37   34381
   5. Apology to all for my Netiquette "Sorry"                     30   41275
   6. outgoing links weight                                        25   28900
   7. Robots txt                                                   22   22882
   8. SEO Mistakes: Hosted doorway pages                           19   18291
   9. Use of characters "é" or "ê"                                 18   13597
  10. Stats software                                               16   15313
  11. Pages taking time to appear on Google                        15    9880
  12. Domain name class                                            13   13006
      Cool websites                                                13   10145
  14. Google's New Search Interface                                12    6592
  15. DMOZ                                                         11    5550

A total of 108 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program                              Msgs
   1. Microsoft Outlook Express             205
       6.00.2600.0000:2 6.00.2741.2600:4 6.00.2800.1106:1 6.00.2800.1409:14
6.00.2900.2180:49 6.00.2900.2670:135
   2. Forte Agent                           160
       1.7/32.534:94 1.8/32.553:5 1.91/32.564:31 2.0/32.652:27 3.3/32.846:3
   3. KNode                                  76
       0.10:1 0.7.2:75
   4. Opera M2/8.50                          74
   5. G2                                     70
   6. Xnews                                  29
   7. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7              26
   8. 40tude_Dialog                          22
   9. slrn                                   13
  10. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0                 9
  11. Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.3               8
  12. Pan                                     6
  13. MyNewsGroups :) v                       5
  14. JetBrains Omea Reader                   4
      Mozilla                                 4

A total of 23 different programs (not counting different versions) were

Postings per weekday

Day        Msgs
Monday       58 *******************
Tuesday     175 ************************************************************
Wednesday   114 ***************************************
Thursday     91 *******************************
Friday      139 ***********************************************
Saturday    109 *************************************
Sunday       54 ******************

Postings per hour

Hour       Msgs
0000-0059    40 ****************************************************
0100-0159    18 ***********************
0200-0259    11 **************
0300-0359    16 ********************
0400-0459    13 ****************
0500-0559    16 ********************
0600-0659    13 ****************
0700-0759    36 **********************************************
0800-0859    15 *******************
0900-0959    28 ************************************
1000-1059    35 *********************************************
1100-1159    42 ******************************************************
1200-1259    41 *****************************************************
1300-1359    40 ****************************************************
1400-1459    41 *****************************************************
1500-1559    46 ************************************************************
1600-1659    46 ************************************************************
1700-1759    32 *****************************************
1800-1859    31 ****************************************
1900-1959    31 ****************************************
2000-2059    40 ****************************************************
2100-2159    44 *********************************************************
2200-2259    43 ********************************************************
2300-2359    22 ****************************


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