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Re: Strange Google

__/ [ Roy Schestowitz ] on Wednesday 29 March 2006 08:46 \__

> __/ [ Berimor ] on Wednesday 29 March 2006 08:34 \__
>> Can anybody tell me what happend to Google - is it got sick or my
>> http://askdachav.co.uk was penalized really???
>> I'm mad!!! What for?
>> I have also noticed strange behavior of google's index for couple of my
>> other projects.
> Your site is not indexed and has no PageRank either. Have you liked to it
> from outside, yet? Is it an 'island'? The only other possibility is that
> your site got banned.
> Best wishes,
> Roy
PS - All seems fine, but I see some aggressiveness in the scripts. Perhaps
some users are being 'defended':

,----[ Code ]
| <SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>
| <!--
| function add_to_favorite(){
|       window.external.AddFavorite("http://askdachav.co.uk";,
|         "Ask Da Chav | Chav Search Engine");
| }


,----[ Doe ]
| function make_home_page(obj){
|       obj.style.behavior='url(#default#homepage)';
|       obj.setHomePage('http://askdachav.co.uk');
| }

Does the user agree?

,----[ Code ]
| var isNetscape=(navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1);
| var outy=0;
| var outx=0;

SEO issues aside, agent sniffing is frowned upon and such statements are

,----[ Code ]

 document.write('<table width=200 border=0 cellpadding=2
cellspacing=0><tr><td bgcolor="#FF0000" width=10
style="color:white;font-weight:bold;">Switch:</td><td width=10
bgcolor="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;</td><td width=130 bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><h2>Chav | <a
href="/posh/" class=s>Posh</a></h2></td><td width=70>');
 if ((navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") > 0)
   && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4)){
                document.write('<a href="#" OnClick="add_to_favorite(this);"
style="font-size:9px;color:#999999">+ favorite</a><br><a href="#"
OnClick="make_home_page(this);" style="font-size:9px;color:#999999">+
 } else {
                document.write('<img src=\'/img/arr1.gif\'>');

Ouch! Script masking.

,----[ Code ]
| //sliding bar
| [...]
|               divobject.style.posTop=divobject.y;
|               //divobjectDrop.style.posTop=divobjectDrop.y;
|                       }
|                       //divobjectDrop.style.top=50;
|                       //divobject.style.top=50;
|                       setTimeout("moveToOrigin()", 5);
|       }
|       divobject=definebar(divid);
|       //divobjectDrop=definebar("adlist");
|       moveToOrigin();
| }
| //-->

Frankly, I am glad that my browser does not support this. People do not want
their browser window manipulated by scripts.

More critiques dropped for brevity.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Disclaimer: no SCO code used to generate this post
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