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Re: How could I know from weblogs that My site is accessed by a mobile/PDA devices ??

  • Subject: Re: How could I know from weblogs that My site is accessed by a mobile/PDA devices ??
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 13:59:32 +0100
  • Newsgroups: alt.internet.search-engines
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / MCC / Manchester University
  • References: <1143720555.565500.88830@t31g2000cwb.googlegroups.com> <op.s6776cho26l578@borek>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [ Borek ] on Thursday 30 March 2006 13:40 \__

> On Thu, 30 Mar 2006 14:09:15 +0200, cordial_camaraderie
> <cordial_camaraderie@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> How will I know whether My site is being accessed by a Mobile device or
>> PDA device ??
> AFAIK you can't - unless user agent contains string NOKIA or something
> like that :)
> for example
> "Nokia3510i/1.0 (05.25) Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0 (Google
> WAP Proxy/1.0)"
> "Nokia6820/2.0 (4.83) Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0 (compatible;
> Googlebot-Mobile/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)"
> Although I wonder if these are really from mobiles, especially the second
> one.
> Best,
> Borek

You might be able to obtain a comprehensive list of strings which identify
mobile devices. I believe something as such will exist somewhere on the Web.
You can then search for matches in your log files and come up with some
rough figures.

As an addendum to my last message on the topic, bear in mind that many mobile
devices will not execute scripts such as JavaScript, thus they will still be
displayed the normal pages. The best way to cater for mobile devices is to
design and build the site properly. The objects should be 'liquid' enough to
accommodate small width, if not height as well.

Hope it helps,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |   Useless fact: Women blink twice as much as men
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