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Re: Using KNode 0.7.2, Wondering What Else is Out There

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> All  in all, I only sought re-assurance that KNode is an plausible choice.
> What  will  happen, for example, when SongBird comes out? Will AmaroK  (or
> XMMS,  as  to  avoid flames) still remain the Holy Grail of  Linux  media?
> Every  once  in a while (say a coupla' years), it is good to do a  'sanity
> check'  and what better people are to ask than those who dance between ap-
> plications, KNode included?
> Best wishes,
> Roy
> [1] < http://www.mozilla.com/thunderbird/releases/1.5.html >

Oh man, how I wish that I still loved free software as much as you
obviously do. Get in there, get your hands dirty, just /use/ the filthy
stuff; I know /I/ do...


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