On Fri, 31 Mar 2006 19:49:05 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
<newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in news.software.readers:
> Yes, I joined here because a second person recommended it.
Damn them both. It was supposed to be a secret.
> You were the first
> to have pointed in this direction. Sometimes I wonder how many *live*
> newsgroups still exist in UseNet, where "live" is dependent upon the
> definition.
This newsgroup will die last, since the last surviving Usenet users
will still have questions to ask about newsreaders.
In any case, rumours of the death of Usenet have always been
PJR :-)
_ _(o)_(o)_ _ FSM: http://www.venganza.org/
._\`:_ F S M _:' \_, PJR: http://www.insurgent.org/~pjr/
/ (`---'\ `-. AUK: http://www.netcabal.com/auk/
,-` _) (_, F_P God's Own Newsreader: http://www.slrn.org/