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Re: (News) The New Anti-Linux FUD Campaign

__/ [ Ray Ingles ] on Friday 31 March 2006 21:23 \__

> On 2006-03-31, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> A recent unbiased study showed that only 1 in 3 servers sold runs Windows.
>  Which one? I'd like to read about that...

Hold on... searching...


33.6% of servers sold in Q4 2005 were Windows servers

,----[ Quote ]
|"Linux servers generated $1.6 bln in quarterly revenue, the 14th consecutive
|quarter of double-digit growth, with YTY revenue growth of 20.8%. For the
|full year, Linux server revenues were $5.7 bln, placing it in third place
|for the first time from an operating system perspective as customers
|continued to expand the role of Linux servers into an increasingly wider
|array of commercial and technical workloads."

>> That's a fact. Revenue is another monster and there are people who believe
>> that 5 times more expensive must be 5 times better.
>  For a while yet, Windows is always going to beat Linux on revenue. I
> think that, eventually, Linux will beat Windows, though.

Revenue=expenditure. Linux is intended to bring the world free software, O/S
included. Thus, revenue is irrelevant. If the *OVERALL* revenue which made
on servers and desktop drops, that's a good sign, for humanity. It is of
course a little more complicated than that....

Bear in mind that, while Red Hat and Novell make money using Linux, clients
will always have Debian and co. (or Mandriva among many others) to run to
and save costs. They could even develop their own custom O/S in-house using
newly-hired engineers. Yes, just like Google!

This point may explain why 2 top Novell executives defected from Novell to
smaller Linux companies in the past 3 days.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    #00ff00 Day - Bakset Case
http://Schestowitz.com  |    SuSE Linux     ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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