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[News] Linux and Apache Server in Just 20 Megabytes

  • Subject: [News] Linux and Apache Server in Just 20 Megabytes
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 02:55:38 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
FastScale Extends Software Management to VMware

,----[ Quote ]
| An Apache software stack running on Linux takes about 3 GB, including 
| application code as well as Linux, drivers, and Apache. In a DAB, this 
| Linux-Apache stack shrinks down to 20 MB.  



Welcome on the official homepage of Injector Linux!

,----[ Quote ]
| Injector is a one floppy Linux system which supports a -wide-
| range of filesystems.
| That means, you can access 25 filesystems with full write support, 
| just by booting this floppy linux.
| Injector is able to read/write/backup files from an IDE or SCSI
| drive with the common partition types, like: Apple, NTFS, VFAT,
| EXT2/3, RaiserFS .....
| This feature makes it perfect for any kind of disk/file rescue
| operation or manipulation.
| You can access files directly without any restrictions.
| Injector Linux is the only One Floppy Linux available that has
| these unique powerful features.


24-02-2007, knopperdisk-0.4.0 released!

,----[ Quote ]
| - kernel (with some Gentoo-specific patches)
| - uClibc
| - gcc 4.1.1 (the whole system is compiled with this version)
| - baselayout 1.12.9
| - udev 104, no more hotplug scripts, pure udev hotplugging
| - clamav 0.88.7
| - elinks 0.11.2 is installed as text browser
| - shorewall has been added
| - netcat has been added


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