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[News] Linux Leadership Speaks Out (Zemlin, Debian)

Candidates for Debian Project Leader sound off

,----[ Quote ]
| Once again, the Debian project is gearing up to elect a new project
| leader, with voting set to begin late this month. As we did last
| year, we asked the DPL candidates to sound off on some of the
| issues that will face the Debian Project in the next year.


The NWC Interview: Jim Zemlin, The Linux Foundation

,----[ Quote ]
| I'm the first to acknowledge that Microsoft is this great monopoly.
| But there are regions all over the world that see a reason to
| promote the Linux desktop as an alternative to Microsoft Windows
| in order to grow a domestic software ecosystem. Open source
| represents a great opportunity for them to get that sort of
| head start by taking some of the great work that's been done
| and innovating on top of that. I think what you'll see is a
| very quick closing of the gap in building a more effective
| desktop at significantly lower cost.


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