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Re: Closed, Creepy, Hidden Source Fast Becoming Taboo

__/ [ flyer ] on Monday 12 March 2007 00:18 \__

> Wonder if your program is spying on you?
> How would you know? -- It's CREEPY, HIDDEN, CLOSED source.
> Like democracy burying fascist madmen of the past, Linux is freeing
> computer users from dark, hidden, skulking functions of digital Big
> Brother.
> TOO BAD closed source, we have a right to know what our programs are
> doing.
> Linux will BURY you.

Even America's voting system has goen closed-source. You'll pay a visit to
the ballots, but how it all actually works is none of your goddamn business.

Wiretapping is nothing like (hacked) election of a radical hack.

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Linux: the most popular, but not most widespread
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