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[News] More Show-stopping Bugs in Windows Vista

The copy process may stop responding when you try to copy files from a server
on a network to a Windows Vista-based computer

,----[ Quote ]
| On a Windows Vista-based computer, when you try to copy files from a
| server on a network, the copy process may stop responding (hang), and
| you may receive a message that resembles the following:
| Calculating Time Remaining
| 0 minutes remaining 


Vista has DivX woes

,----[ Quote ]
| Regardless of what you think of the operating system itself, there's no
| doubt that Vista has, since release, languished under the shadow of
| compatibility issues.


Have a look at this one from 2006: 

Vista July CTP Screenshot (Hackish Media Player)

,----[ Quote ]
| Checkout the Media Player toolbar in this shot - is Microsoft
| hiring suspicious characters now?


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