In article <1711453.Hh0QVpaimT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx says...
> >> same time encouraged. And remove those lockins. Google isn't loathed by
> >> many because it attempts to remove lockin. It even joined the ODF Alliance
> >> more recently, while Microsoft probably pulled a few strings (and withdrew
> >> from
> >
> > Roy, got my filter going.
> >
> > Are you filtering DFS? He sometimes advocates Linux.
> No, he is not. Apart from his KKK-ish tendencies, he is here only to mock
> Linux, although he's secretly afraid/fascinated by it (and he appears to
> have a love/hare relationship with Rex). DFS is among the Last of the
> Munchkins (see
> ). If
> he gets ignored (easier when he is not visible), then he will sooner or
> later leave. Maybe the time he spends here slinging feces will be spend
> doing something else. In his case, it is likely to be some other passionate
> occupation, such as burning churches of the black community.
Thanks. It's calmer with the filter on "fine"