SugarCRM hedges open source license bets
,----[ Quote ]
| SugarCRM will probably offer the GNU General Public License when it
| releases version 5.0 of its commercial open source CRM application
| this summer but it is likely to be one of several licensing
| options available.
Thew GPL has become a selling point, so many companies sidle with that
I'm not sure the following part of the article is true (inaccruracy?):
"The GNU license is viral in its approach in that everything it touches,
including extensions to the core code, become open."
MyEclipse and JBoss spar over open source purity
,----[ Quote ]
| The latest dispute started when Red Hat announced a partnership with
| Exadel that resulted in JBoss RichFaces and JBoss Ajax4jsf to be
| released under the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL), and eventually
| the entire Red Hat Developer Studio (formerly Exadel Studio Pro) to
| be released under the regular GPL license.
Consider's Alfresco's recent move. Also the following are fairly recent:
Open-Xchange (Partially) Embraces GPL
,----[ Quote ]
| On the GPL side, Open-Xchange's choice of license stands in
| contrast to that of its competitor Zimbra, which offers its
| namesake collaboration suite under a modified Mozilla Public
| License, plus attribution.
AllPeers makes the leap to open source
,----[ Quote ]
| The folks behind AllPeers are hoping to stir interest in the Firefox-only
| P2P application by announcing the move to an open-source licensing scheme
| for the client application. The source code has been released and
| is dual-licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPL) and GNU
| General Public License (GPL).