Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> __/ [ High Plains Thumper ] on Wednesday 21 March 2007 03:40 \__
>> However, all the tools are there, transform, rotate, erase, etc. I
>> don't know what all the complaints about how bad this software is
>> exists. I used GIMP to clean up some digital photographs (crop,
>> correct perspective, tonality, contrast and brightness). It does it
>> and does it well.
> The GIMP does /far/ more. It's somewhat funny that people describe the GIMP
> as a program that does all the basic things.
> By the way, Gary (flatfish) appears to have relocated to Digg where he acts
> like a Microsoft sniper in the UNIX/Linux section, pretending to be
> interested and involved ("We love Open Source"), but taking cheap shots at
> Linux (and myself). A few more personal attacks and I'll have this third
> account of his terminated. He began in a more polite fashion, which made it
> hard to throw him out, but he seems to have forgotten that it's moderated
> and he has recently lost control. Even the moderators hate him as he gets
> very negative scores. Once a shill, always a shill; everywhere one goes.
> Digg doesn't need that junk, and it needn't tolerate it either.
I'm very happy indeed to see the back of Gary Stewart from here,
although I suspect that once aioe reinstate cola to their server for
posting, he could be back. As you say, he has a specific agenda, and he
sticks to it. Digg doesn't strike me as a sensible place for him, as he
will continue to lose his accounts, unlike here where he, oh yeah - lost
his posting access via aioe...
| Mark Kent -- mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk |
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