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Re: [News] Lindependence 2008 Video: Kid Installs GNU/Linux for the First Time in 10 Minutes

Verily I say unto thee, that Linonut spake thusly:
> * Moshe Goldfarb. peremptorily fired off this memo:
>> On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 00:47:56 +0100, Homer wrote:

>>> [snip DooFy's belligerent frothing]
>>>> Man, you got a warped groove.
>>> It's hilarious how the Trolls keep accusing Roy of "lying" ... 
>>> because he posts somebody *else's* opinion/experience.
>> The same could be said of your side of the debate Homer.......

I don't recall ever suggesting that any Linux bug report was a lie. As
for opinions, by virtue of their subjectivity they can neither be true
nor false.

My "side" of the argument has little to do with technical issues.  Linux
won the technical argument a long time ago, therefore there is little to
discuss, beyond the admission that all software has bugs. This is wholly
irrelevant; if I want to discuss bugs in Linux then I'll go to Bugzilla.
I'm far more interested in the political ramifications of a company like
Microsoft, operating like gangsters running a racketeering operation. If
people want to discuss the disproportionately serious issues in Windows,
compared to Linux, then that's fine by me too, but that doesn't mean I'm
denying Linux has any bugs at all. It may well be that certain anecdotal
"evidence" presented by Trolls like you are in fact lies.  However, I am
disinclined to contend that some repost of a Bugzilla report is a lie on
the part of the messenger. But this is exactly what you and DooFuS /are/
claiming about Roy. It's ridiculous and hypocritical, since you're lying
about the source of what you contend is a lie, as a kind of filthy smear
campaign against someone. Such thuggish tactics are quite representative
of the gangsters you "evangelise" for,  so your behaviour only serves to
confirm my suspicions.

> Both DFS and Roy hammer on a restricted (and thus biased) agenda. 
> Roy's topics, however, are much broader than DFS's monomaniacal 
> rantings. Plus, Roy is generally pleasant.

Roy is also on the morally /right/ side of the argument. Indeed none of
the Trolls have ever even attempted any justification for their morally
untenable position, instead hiding behind arguments about money; market
share and trivial bug reports, which they use as a bludgeon against us,
whilst ignoring the political and fundamental technical arguments, such
as Windows bloat; security and licensing issues, and Microsoft's filthy
business practises.


| By bucking Microsoft for open source, says Gunderloy, "I'm no
| longer contributing to the eventual death of programming."
| ~ http://www.linux.com/feature/142083

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