On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 11:32:00 -0400, Moshe Goldfarb. wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 05:45:04 -0400, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> ____/ thufir on Wednesday 09 July 2008 20:48 : \____
>>> On Tue, 08 Jul 2008 13:46:32 -0700, The Ghost In The Machine wrote:
>>>> I take it you prefer the Samsung Instinct?
>>> I haven't used one, but it looks as equally slick as the iPhone except
>>> that it got poor reviews. Maybe if they switched from whatever they
>>> now use (what do they use?) to Linux it would bring in more third
>>> party developers to fix the problems.
>>> -Thufir
>> The hardware too is open source, so the casing could be redone by
>> anybody (given the manufacturer). It's even encouraged.
> For every nut who wants to program his own Space Invaders program into
> the phone and read the source code to the phone during his morning
> commute by train, there are 1000's if not more, who want to USE the
> phone.
> Think iPhone, Roy.
> Copy it, improve it and advertise it and you will have a winner.
> Think source code and you've already got a stinker on your hands.
>> OpenMoko sells hardware. That's where the money is; same with server
>> companies.
> Wrong again Roy.
> The margin on hardware is very slim.
> The machines have to be warrenteed, usually for at least a year.
> The money is in hardware/Software SUPPORT contracts.
> Ask IBM and they have one of the highest margins on their product sales.
> If you actually worked in the real world instead of hiding in academia
> for years, you would know that.
Ask Apple about their margins on hardware.