Micoshaft fraudster and asstroturfer Moshe Goldfarb. wrote
on behalf of Half Wits from Micoshaft Corporation:
> On Sat, 05 Jul 2008 20:44:47 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Who Writes Linux and Who Supports It
> Basement dwellers giving their work away for free write the majority of
> the programs.
Thats a Micoshaft/Appil Crap centric view of Open Source world.
You will find its all a mixture now of corporate developers
and enthusiasts because all are welcome to the source code
and anyone can contribute.
1 million Linux Desktop installs per week and growing.
3 million embedded Linux gadgets sold PER DAY making tons of money.
> Companies like IBM make tons of money off the hard work of these suckers.
They pay tons of money for their own developers and as long as they
respect the GPL, they can do what they like with the code,
including making tons of money with it by releasing the source
code publicly and selling hardware and support for it.