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Enterprise Unix Roundup: Sun Should Loosen Up
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| All they can remember is what happened in 2001/2002 when, to be quite frank
| with you, we screwed up. We alienated a large group of open source developers
| by the attitudes we had of the community back then.
| No kidding. I remember sharing a cab in Manhattan at LinuxWorld in 2002 with
| several Sun folks and hearing the exchange they had about Red Hat and the
| open source development community. Needless to say, the statements were far
| from positive. The thrust of their point was that Red Hat claimed to be all
| good and open source, but the Linux vendor was actually more proprietary than
| most people thought, and Red Hat's vendors complained mightily about it (or
| so these guys claimed).
| [...]
| No, I won't pick on Sun's motives. I think it's the execution that's
| off-kilter. The company must learn to let go a little bit and let the open
| source ecology proceed naturally. In the short term, Sun might lose a little
| bit of advantage in the market, but long term, it is has a better shot at
| success.
Judge Orders YouTube to Give All User Histories to Viacom
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| Google will have to turn over every record of every video watched by YouTube
| users, including users' names and IP addresses, to Viacom, which is suing
| Google for allowing clips of its copyright videos to appear on YouTube, a
| judge ruled Wednesday.
As the FSF says, none of these big companies can be trusted. Unless it's free
software and runs on your own PC or server, you're sensitive to abuse.
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