On 2008-07-01, Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In article <o2fqj5-kji.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> And GPL does scare the suits, though in a more rational
>> world one would merely ensure that the source code
>> repository is properly policed, then exported.
> I don't think it is so much GPL itself that scares them, but the FSF,
> and RMS in particular. RMS/FSF have some interpretations of parts of
> GPL that are at odds with copyright law, and with the case law. This
> means that it is possible to obey the GPL, and *still* have the FSF get
> on your ass.
No it isn't.
You might make RMS angry but the most he can do is use stern language with you.
Although most companies have no interest in "using" free software
in a manner that will get RMS angry at you. Most computer users
are just that "users".
They aren't developers or resellers.
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