* Roy Schestowitz peremptorily fired off this memo:
> Hash: SHA1
> The Six Kinds of Anti-FOSS Trolls
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| The Stockholder - This is very sad, because we have Joe Sixpack and Susie
>| Soccermom out there with their 401-K being 50% tech stocks in proprietary
>| software companies. And they then assume that all competing software
>| companies are their mortal enemy. Look for lots of bad-mouthing
>| the "competition" and boosting a well-known publicly-traded company, without
>| much evidence of any technical knowledge.
>| The Ugh-meri-kin - This neanderthal attacks GNU/Linux (it's always GNU/Linux)
>| based on the nasty allegation that FOSS is communist, anti-capitalist, or
>| anti-American. That goes 100% anti-logic. If anything, GNU/Linux is software
>| as the signers of the Constitution would have had it. Democratic computing
>| for Democratic people. It belongs to everyone, and is designed with the
>| individual's maximum freedom always as its number-one cause. But then, not
>| too much logic ever went into neanderthal philosophy.
>| The Vandal - The most dangerous troll of all. Capable of literally destroying
>| FOSS projects just by flaming them online. The vandal always takes the tactic
>| of attacking the interface. It's almost always a graphics program, too.
> `----
> http://penguinpetes.com/b2evo/index.php?title=the_six_kinds_of_anti_foss_trolls&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1
The Stockholder - amicus_curious
The Ugh-meri-kin - DFS, rjack
The Vandal - Hadron
Rip-Van Winkle - Ezekiel and "Moshe (flatfish) Goldfard"
The Red Baron - Core dump, cc, Clogwog, "Linuxsux"
The Job Defender - DFS, Ray Lopez
... I want to perform cranial activities with Tuesday Weld!!