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____/ Ramon F Herrera on Wednesday 28 May 2008 19:06 : \____
> Blamer has to be behind this new campaign...
> They seem to forget the wisdom in the maxim: "With absolute power
> comes absolute responsibility".
> -RFH
> http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/?p=1415&tag=nl.e539
> "Microsoft officials have been saying that Windows — and especially
> the much-maligned Windows Vista — isn’t to blame for all of users’ PC
> problems. Faulty drivers and badly written apps are often behind
> users’ unhappiness with their new PCs, the Softies have said.
> Microsoft is making sure that users will be able to place blame where
> it belongs with Windows Advisor."
Vista's problem is /not/ due to ISVs. It's a distraction, a decoy, a diversion.
Vista is not only bloated and insecure (among other problems)... but the
reason so much compatibility was lost is the poor initial design model, which
they needed to tinker with. Had they designed things properly in the first
place, none of this would have happened.
It's a tad too late now because a very recent study showed that developers turn
to Linux and OS X more than they turn to Vista. It's still XP that most people
target, but Linux and Apple are on the rise while Vista -- neglected.
- --
~~ Best of wishes
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