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Moscow regional government to migrate to Open Source desktop
,----[ Quote ]
| The Moscow regional administration will test usefulness of an Open Source
| desktop by migrating several hundreds of desktop PCs to Mandriva GNU/Linux
| and by installing OpenOffice on a thousand others.
Russians Say Nyet To Windows, But Da To Linux
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| The move to Linux may be even more far reaching. I was talking with a Russian
| Émigré who keeps close tabs on the Russian IT industry, and he is of the
| belief that the entire government apparatus has plans to totally migrate to
| Linux by 2012. This must be making our friends in Redmond a little ticked
| off.
Open Source Government: Several notes on the Russian Free Software Development
,----[ Quote ]
| Russian Ministry on Information Technology and Communications published
| recently a document entitled Concept of development and usage of Free
| Software in the Russian Federation (Russian). It is a 29-page text, which is
| by far the most detailed roadmap of government involvement in Free Software.
| The legal status of this document is not very strong: in the recent Russian
| governmental tradition a ‘concept’ is a kind of a detailed policy
| declaration, which may not be fully observed or may even be rejected or
| forgotten after a short period of time. However, it may serve as groundwork
| for future projects and more specific policy measures. Thus, even though a
| concept document does not create anything by itself, its availability is
| necessary for creation of good things.
Linux Ubuntu PCs set for sale in Russia
,----[ Quote ]
| Linux Ubuntu installation on PCs sold by Excimer and NT Computer is to be
| launched within the nearest month. Consequently, Ubuntu sales in Russia might
| reach 300 thousand units. Ubuntu 8.04 released on April 24, 2008 is more
| likely to be preinstalled.
Linux being launched at schools
,----[ Quote ]
| Besides the operating system the package is to comprise some freely
| distributed programs, close to MS Office by their functionality, which are to
| be used on computers with the following characteristics: 233 MHz and 128MB
| DDR.
Russian Postal Service Wears Red Hat
,----[ Quote ]
| Russian Post and American company Red Hat signed the Protocol of intentions
| on IT development based on open freeware earlier this month. Andrey Pogodin,
| Deputy Director General of FSUE Russian Post and Jim Whitehurst, President of
| Red Hat signed the document within the framework of meeting. The parties
| agreed to join efforts to implement operating system Linux and other software
| products with open code in Russian Post’s IT-structure.
IBM to offer Linux machines
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| The machines, it was announced, will come with Red Hat's Linux distro, and
| will come pre-loaded with software from IBM, including its Lotus Symphony
| suite.
OpenReferent - a New Open Source Challenge to Microsoft Desktop Software
,----[ Quote ]
| Mr Pogodin, Deputy General Director of Post of Russia, said: "Post of Russia,
| which has 42,000 post offices through out the country, can significantly
| lower the cost of ownership of the Information System." Post of Russia is one
| of the first customers that signed up to evaluate themove from Microsoft
| based desktops to OpenReferent solution.
| [...]
| Open Referent is based on the recently announced IBM Lotus Open Collaboration
| Client Solution with Red Hat.
| Business partners classified as Red Hat Advanced Business Partners and
| Lotus-authorized IBM Business Partners may sell the Red Hat and IBM Lotus
| products globally with a Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription, and may
| additionally offer a six-month Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop trial.
Open Source Market: FOSS getting hot in Russia
,----[ Quote ]
| Recent interest towards FOSS from the Russian government has boosted
| commercial activity in this field. No longer than a year ago there was no
| single large company that would say it is capable of doing FOSS system
| integration projects. Now there are three, and the number will probably grow.
| Nobody is particularly sure about how to do business with FOSS, but it is
| already evident that it can be done somehow. That is why the larger ones are
| jumping on the bandwagon simply not to be late.
2010: Russia's open software market to grow 4-fold
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| Analysts note that Linux vendors are traditionally present on the mobile
| device market. According to forecasts the OS might become the leader in
| the segment accounting for 40% of it by 2010. ?Currently the share of
| mobile devices with Linux OS is not big in Russia as compared to other
| countries, such as China, for instance. However, the producer's policy,
| Nokia in particular testifies to the fact the situation is changing
| for the better", Ms. Karaeva concluded.
Mandriva Linux selected as "Product of the Year 2007" at the Russian Softool
,----[ Quote ]
| Mandriva has been selected as 'Product of the Year 2007' in the Linux
| category at the Softool exhibition in Moscow. The 'Product of the Year 2007'
| competition was held by the department of information technologies and
| computing systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Federal Agency of
| Information Technologies, the publishing house SK Press, and IT-expo.
| [...]
| Mandriva Linux will also soon be certified by the Federal Service of Export
| and Technical Control, allowing public sector agencies and organizations
| dealing with confidential information to use Mandriva Linux.
Russian public agencies choose Mandriva
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| Mandriva development is carried out jointly by Mandriva's offices in Russia,
| France and Brazil. The Mandriva Linux OS is thus considered a national OS for
| Russia. The decision of FSTEC of the Russian Federation (RF) implied that
| Russian public agencies will be authorised to use the Mandriva Linux OS on
| PCs running confidential information.
Russian Government Will Migrate to OpenSource
,----[ Quote ]
| Russia decided to follow after EU countries, where opensource
| solutions are more spread then in Russia. Currently, some Russian
| companies can offer their own Desktop Linux OS (the major companies
| are ASPLinux, ALTLinux, Linux-Online and LinuxCenter).
Russian schools abandon Windows after piracy scare
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| Microsoft says that the incident has nothing to do with them, but it
| appears that Russian schools in the area are so scared about being shipped
| off to a Siberian Gulag, that they are buying Linux gear instead.
| [..]
| According to Karpushin, schools would start using freely distributed
| software like the Linux OS, Russky office and Open office desktop apps,
| Ekho Moskvi reports.
Linux Education in America: Inspiration from Russia?
,----[ Quote ]
| The reason that the Russian announcement is funny boils down to the
| perception over the years that Russia equates to totalitarianism, whilst here
| in America we're all about Freedom and innovation. Yet our educational
| system -- the very underpinnings of how we're growing out future
| technological talent, is based upon the inversion of what one would expect
| given the respective reputations of both countries.
Russia is latest country to move towards OpenDocument format and open standards
,----[ Quote ]
| The stated rationale for this legislation is that “open standards will
| contribute to an increased number of bidders for government contracts and
| will increase opportunities for Russian software developers... [and] the
| problem of interoperability will be addressed as will the ability to access
| information into the future.”
Russian Linux (ALTLinux) to be installed in every school in Russia
,----[ Quote ]
| Russian OS is to be installed on every school computer in Russia by 2009.
| Furthermore, every pupil will get the opportunity to operate the applied
| software produced in Russia, Leonid Reiman, acting Minister of Communication
| stated at a press conference. According to Mr. Reiman, that might
| significantly reduce Russian dependence on foreign software.
Linux being launched at schools
,----[ Quote ]
| Besides the operating system the package is to comprise some freely
| distributed programs, close to MS Office by their functionality, which are to
| be used on computers with the following characteristics: 233 MHz and 128MB
| DDR.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)